Insurance/ Verification/ Referrals
Although your insurance plan may not require a Referral, by Washington State Law, we are not allowed to diagnose a condition for our clients. This means that we will need a Referral/Prescription from a medical provider. This Referral/Prescription can be from anyone who has a medical license. It does not need to be from your primary care physician. For example, it can be from a chiropractor, acupuncturist, or anyone with a medical degree.
*Please make sure that the prescription has the following information:
REFERRED BY: Please make sure that the Dr has a signature on the Referral/ Prescription
NPI: Dr's National Provider Identification Number
FREQUENCY: How many times you are allowed to come each month or need to contain a visit count
DURATION: Needs to have a start date and end date
ICD10 CODES: Please make sure that the diagnosis codes do not begin with the letters R, F, or V. Regence/BCBS will not accept these codes for Massage Therapy
PLEASE NOTE- Any referral missing this information will not be accepted and you will need to submit an updated referral before scheduling a medical massage.
You or your doctor's office can submit your referral/prescription to the following:
Fax: 360-314-4268
Your Medical Insurance May Cover Massage
We are In-Network Providers for the following insurance companies:
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Regence BCBS
Regence Group Administrators
Healthcare Management Administrators